
Let me tell you about about JAM, Ghosts, Buckets, Static and Action

You might be wondering to yourself, "is this site using a flattened, static version of a Ghost CMS site on an S3 bucket via Cloudformation edge distribution?"

The answer might surprise you.  

Yes, yes it is

Why would I do all of this? Am I mad? Maybe?

Well, it all started December of 2021 when I had come to the conclusion that I needed to move into the IT sector in order to hopefully prevent a future version of myself which was in constant pain and stiffened due to years of moving 55 gallon drums around, lifting heavy objects and driving for hours, then heading home and getting stuck in a chair.

While trying to decide which area of IT I should focus my attention on, I kept seeing suggestions to make a little blog site to introduce myself, talk about previous or current projects, and bare myself to the world to help people get to know me.

So after considering the old standby options of Joomla, Wordpress, Google sites or even Weebly, I looked around to see what was new and fun for hosting blog pages.

I came across all sorts of cool stuff, but what caught my attention was the Static Generated stuff coming out of the JAM stacks like Hugo, Gatsby and the like.

After goofing around with those and realizing I know far less JS than I anticipated, I came across a fairly easy to implement solution:

Ghost CMS fed into a Static Site Generator and then hosted on my S3 bucket under the domain.

After some initial testing it looks like Ghost is fast enough, can feed output via headless API's for SSGs, and is easy and fast to set up.  At this point I just wanted to get something up and running without too much headache, and without using really old outdated CMS software hosted on anything more than a bucket-type structure.  Oh, and it should be easy to feed into a CDN so it's fast and nimble, like my cat is.

More to follow, this is just my first post!