About Me
Why yes, I did shave my beard with a lawnmower!

About Me

I'm Victor, welcome to my blog site!  Here's the Who-What-Where-When-Why


I'm a former small business owner who made a decision in late 2021 to switch from running multiple small businesses to jumping head first into the IT sector.

Ever since I can remember growing up on the farms of Long Beach, computers have always been one of my favorite things to study, play with, raise, feed, and otherwise use, starting with an PC XT Clone and monochrome monitor.

Long Beach isn't really a farm
Long Beach, California, circa 1992, I think

I even met my wife on IRC in the 90's #EFNET #DALNET, which was considered more of a dangerous activity.  I have also used Craigslist to buy and sell stuff, but all's well that ends well!


I put this site together to collect my thoughts, ideas and projects to share. You might find it interesting, or bizarre, or otherwise mundane. Don't forget to Like - Comment- And Subscribe

Wait, sorry, wrong site.  Where was I?  Oh yes.


I live in the Long Beach, CA region. I grew up here and I really enjoy smog, heavy traffic and a high COL. I've also gotten exposure to a wide variety of people and cultures which has been rad.

Picture of Long Beach on day I was born in Portland OR, circa 1910


NOW. When? Just now! (insert the rest of the SpaceBalls scene here). Fun fact: I love comedy!

Barf, the Mog, I think


After 20 years in my former business in the chemical sector (originally my parents business, which I've ran with my sister, I love them all), between the pandemic and my advanced age, I no longer had the physical capacity to push through another economic downturn as we have done before.

Picture of me when I get up in the morn'

So I listened to my body, thought deeply about my options going forward, and decided to do something less physically demanding and more up my alley: Information Technology!

I was advised by various internet randos to make a blog in order to showcase my skill sets, interesting projects, and share my personality (or lack there of).

Average Internet Rando Profile Pic


Hit me up on my contact page if you need to reach me for anything - sending beer, pizza, international quilt smuggling - whatever floats your boat :]

Contact Me